Klein River Gruberg Vintage


Minimum 12-months matured Gruberg Vintage is a rare extension of our flagship brushed rind mountain-style cheese

Category: SKU: CHEGRV-1 Tags:


Gruberg is our flagship brushed rind mountain-style cheese and is made for the discerning cheese lover: a traditional brushed rind cheese that reveals rustic, earthy & nutty notes

Winner of multiple local and international awards, including previously best cheese in South Africa and best brushed rind mountain-style cheese in the World

12-months matured

Handcrafted on our farmstead since 1994

Gruberg Vintage is 12-months ripened, and is also available in Mature (6 months)

Made in a 12kg traditional round shape and cut to your selection

Each 12kg (round or wheel) is brushed twice a week with a solution of salt, water and cultures – this causes deacidification on the surface of the rind and helps break down the fat and protein within the cheese to release even more flavour and aromas

Discover more about this cheese here

Available as a 150g slice, 1kg wedge, and 3kg quarter



Additional information

Weight 1000 g
Cheese weight

150g slice, 3kg quarter, 1kg wedge